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Expat Counselling and Psychotherapy Vienna

Psychotherapeutin Mag. Marianna Grigorijan ​Mag. Grigorijan Marianna

Expat Counselling

In my counselling and psychotherapy practice I have been working with expats for a long time and experienced that many of my clients are suffering from diverse issues.

Do you see yourself in one of them below?    

  • Suffering from loneliness and separation
  • Not finding a welcoming and helping community in Vienna
  • Missing family and friends
  • Exploring the Austrian culture and mentality is exhausting and so different from your own
  • Being treated differently by local authorities
  • Having the feeling that you don’t quite belong here
  • Feeling depressed, sad and insecure
  • You left your home country to make a significant change to your life
  • Looking for psychotherapy or counselling was crossing your mind before but you kept postponing it because you thought you can deal with all that on your own as you always did.

Facing all those problems listed above can be overwhelming and hard to deal with and in the same way it can be a real chance for a change in your life. Looking for help is the first courageous step.

I want to help you to regain your capabilities and self healing forces to create the conditions of a happy and self-determined life.

Let`s work on profound and lasting changes with psychotherapy and counselling.

Things to know about Psychotherapy

What issues can Therapy and Counselling help you with?

I have extensive experience of working with a wide range of emotional problems and issues in a variety of settings. These include:

  • Low mood and depression and loneliness
  • Anxiety, panic attacks, phobias
  • Relationships including dealing with conflict, issues of trust,  jealousy, problems forming or sustaining relationships.
  • Anger management issues.
  • Stress and difficulties with work and home life.
  • Insomnia and sleeping difficulties.
  • Being an Expat in a new city and all the issues that might come with it.    
  • Family problems - separation, divorce, difficulties with parents or siblings.    
  • Problematic habits and addictions such as internet, alcohol and  drugs    
  • Lack of confidence and assertiveness or low self-esteem.    
  • Trauma, abuse and bullying and PTBS    
  • Life choices regarding personal identity, sexuality, career and parenting.

A bit about my work as a Psychotherapist and Counsellor

  • My clients are central to my work, and my practice for psychotherapy and counselling was born from the desire to help people feel fulfilled, empowered and happy in their lives, wherever they are and whatever they are doing.
  • In my private practice in Vienna I provide a quiet, safe, confidential, non-judgmental space where, with my professional help, you can explore and make sense of painful and overwhelming issues.
  • As a Gestalttherapist I am able to draw flexibly on theory and techniques from a number of different approaches to personalize our therapy accordance with your needs.

About me

Potrait von Psychotherapeutin Mag. Marianna Grigorijan Mag. Marianna Grigorijan

I am a qualified and accredited Gestalt Psychotherapist and Counsellor. In my private practice in Vienna I work with individual adults on an open-ended basis or for an agreed time period, with the aim of enabling you to enhance your life and to live it more fully. 

Coming from Georgia I am an expat myself and I know how it feels to get adjusted to a new city like Vienna. I know that the life of an expat can sometimes be challenging. Over the years working with expats has become a big part of my work as a therapist and counsellor. 

I do enjoy working with people from different parts of the world to help them find their place in a new city- and inside themselves.

I offer consultations in two different practices. That gives you the chance to choose which practice is the easiest for you to reach:

Psychotherapy 1070 Vienna, Neubau (german)
Psychotherapy 1210 Vienna, Floridsdorf (german)

When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.
Viktor E. Frankl

My practice in Vienna

Practice in 1070 Vienna, Mariahilfer Straße

The practice in Apollogasse 20, 1070 Vienna is located in the city center next to Mariahilfer Straße. Clients who live or work in the city are mostly able to reach Apollogasse within less than 20 minutes.

Practice in 1210 Vienna, Floridsdorf

The practice in 1210 Floridsdorf is located in the north of Vienna and ideal for everyone working in the UN VIC as well as for clients living next to the danube.

Vienna, the city of my therapy and counselling practice

Over the years Vienna with its growing economy, remarkable history and culture became a city of interest for many people. Vienna has also been called the most livable city in the world for the ninth time in a row by Mercer, a well known consulting firm. The political, social and economic climate as well as medical care, education, air quality restaurants, theaters, sports facilities and the big number of green areas in the city are just a few of the many reasons why Vienna became a very fast growing city. Not only tourists get attracted to Austria`s capital but also expats from all over the world who want to start over and begin a new chapter of their lives by working and living there. It makes me very happy to see that Vienna is becoming a melting pot for many different cultures, languages and mentalities. I am a big Vienna fan and very thankful to be able to live and work in a great and adventurous city like this. I am located in different parts of Vienna to make it easy for you to reach my psychotherapy and counselling practice.

Useful Links for expats in Vienna

An online forum that provides english speaking community events as well as helpful articles how to make your way around the city as an expat. https://www.vienna-expats.at/

The city of Vienna opened an expat center with the aim to help and consult internationals with their arrival in Vienna. Find more information and the brochure here: https://www.wien.gv.at/arbeit-wirtschaft/expats.html

A useful article from expatica could help you choosing the right district for your lifestyle in Vienna. https://www.expatica.com/at/moving/location

women having fun
The facebook group "women of vienna" is a great community of international english speaking women living in Vienna.


Practice in 1070 Vienna, Neubau
Practice in 1070 Vienna, Neubau

Mag. Marianna Grigorijan
Expat Counsellor

Phone: +43 676 / 363 39 95
E-Mail: praxis@psychotherapie-grigorijan.at


I look forward to hearing from you and will respond with 48 hours.